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Dr. Alpana Goel

"We thankfully acknowledge your commendable remarks on the research paper sent to you for editing. Your fruitful comments have enhanced the quality of our research paper."

Dr. Maria Sultan

" The content of the research was predominantly technical, with a web of analysis running across the entire paper. However, Ashley showcased a quick and equally insightful grasp for the subject matter which allowed her inputs as a contributing editor to be invaluable. Ashley was very responsive, disciplined, and extremely professional throughout the course of the project."

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Mr. Richard Sseggane

"I was particularly impressed with Ashley's level of skill in technical editing, communication and giving professional advice, formatting, providing educational links and giving prompt feedback. she combines that with remarkable team-spirit, creativity and commitment to her work."

Joseph R. Stainback IV PhD

"It only took one meeting for Ashley decide to assist me, catch on to the concepts, apply her creativity, and create a presentation product meeting the definition of a pitch presentation as prescribed by the DoD organizers. Her skills are commendable in generating a presentation that was outside of the normal appearance of a Powerpoint presentation utilizing creative graphics, pictures, and fonts while assuring the message was clear from a rhetorical context point of view."

Dr. Russel Hirst

"Ashley and her team did such an amazing job in that course that I hardly know where to begin in describing their performance. I gave her team multiple, very important clients to work for: heads of foreign universities, nuclear security organizations, scientists and scholars working in NS—and none of whom were native users of English."

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